Walking without Skin Podcast
Listen to Lois discussing pressing issues in her Walking without Skin podcast.
Finding Peace after Pain.
This podcast is about vulnerably sharing our stories, with advice and tips on overcoming.
Sharing our voices with authenticity, to tell our stories from the heart with courage.
We talk about hope and recovery, about overcoming loss, changes, challenges, and adversities. We walk without skin.
Book a free call with Lois – http://walkingwithoutskin.com/
Walking Without Skin
Exposed to the world. Walking without protection. Walking with vulnerability.
Brenda Adelman is an award-winning actor with a one-woman show based on her life story that she’s performed in four countries and ten states in the US. She’s been interviewed on over 200 TV, radio shows, and podcasts, including FOX, CBS and NPR. She’s a digital course creator, speaker, and coach and is the recipient of the Hero of Forgiveness award from the Hawaii International Forgiveness Project. Her book is titled, My Father Killed My Mother and Married My Aunt: Forgiving the Unforgivable Main site: https://forgivenessandfreedom.com
Reach out to Brenda: Tell Your Story. Heal Yourself. Create More Wealth. https://brendaadelman.lpages.co/tell-your-story-heal-yourself-create-more-wealth-video-series-gift/?fbclid=IwAR0p9PKarGTwDeGE3MS46yqFIg6hyrpru5zsf5OOhW5eVvODF6zqydoro5Y
Contact Lois Wagner to sponsor or participate in the BE BRAVE programme to help eradicate bullying, harassment, sexual and gender-based violence: http://walkingwithoutskin.com/brave-men/
Walking without Skin is a song inspired by the work of Lois Wagner. Walking Without Skin was composed by Steve Siler of Music for the Soul and features Denise Green. It is our hope that the song will encourage and empower women as they journey on the road to healing. You may stream the song here or download it for $1.29. https://www.musicforthesoul.org/resources/walking-without-skin/
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